Saturday, September 14, 2024

Multi-Bil Dollar KAI, Others Grace PEFTOKVAI Event

By Mortz C. Ortigoza

TAGUIG CITY – The U.S $5.3 billion aviation leader Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) graced as major sponsor of this year’s “Presentation Ceremony of Appreciation for Korean War Bereaved Families and Veterans” held recently at the Philippines - Korea Friendship Center (PKFC) in Taguig City.

LUMINARIES from the five South Korean donors, South Korea Ambassador to the Philippines Sang Hwa Lee (1st row, 10th from left) retired military and non-military officials of the veteran organizations in the Philippines and South Korea, the surviving Filipino veterans of the 1950’s Korean War pose for posterity at an event held recently at the Philippines - Korea Friendship Center (PKFC) in Taguig City.

According to Philippines Expeditionary Force to Korea - Veterans Association Inc. (PEFTOK-VAI) President Jovena A. Damasen that aside from KAI, the other donors that joined this year’s 74th Anniversary of the Korean War and PEFTOK-VAI were Korea War Bereaved Families Association, Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, Happy Bean Donor, and Good Day International.

Our guest of honor will be Undersecretary for Civil Veterans and Reservist Affairs USEC Pablo Lorenzo,” President Damasen cited to this newspaper in the September 7 interview before the start of the Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Korean War Memorial Pylon at Fort Andress Bonifacio, Libingan ng Bayani in Taguig City.

SMILING Filipino Veterans of the Korean War show the financial gift given by the five South Korean donor organizations. Some officials of these organizations hold a poster at the background of the recipients.

The welcoming remarks held at the PKFC was given by South Korea Ambassador to the Philippines His Excellency Sang Hwa Lee. It was followed by congratulatory messages by Director Sun Nam Kung of the Veterans Organization Cooperation, Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs of the Republic of Korea; Director and Head of KAI In Su Choi; Chairman Kwang Il Kim of Good Day International and Event Organizer; USec Lorenzo, DND; Philippines Veterans Affairs Office Administrator Reynaldo B. Mapagu of the Philippines, and; President of the Veteran Federation of the Philippines (VFP) retired Major Gen. Romeo Alamillo.


DESCENDANTS of the Filipino soldiers who served in the 1950 to 1953 Korean War received their financial assistance for their scholarship funded by the organizations from South Korea.

Then ensued the presentation by the South Korean luminaries of the donations to the selected veterans who served in the June 25, 1950 to July 27,1953 war in Korea and their widows and descendants like financial assistance, house repair, and scholarship by the five donors.

The recipients of these repair were six to twenty - five families, one living veteran and one widow.

There were other donations and gifts given on this event.

Today, we came to your country, the Philippines, with a small gift from the Mnistry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, the KAI, the sponsorship of a Good Day International, and the voluntary fund raising activities of Naver Happy Bean donors and members of the bereaved family. We will never forget the blood and sacrifice of your families,” remarked to the Filipinos by Young Su Kim, the Chairman of Korea War Bereaved Families Association.

Meanwhile, in a prepared message of VFP Administrator Alamillo who was in the Visayas for an earlier commitment, Commodore Salvador Esguerra -- PVAO Deputy Administrator  --  told the guests, various military and non –military officials, the veterans, the widows, descendants, and other attendees at the Korean War Memorial Pylon that the Filipinos paid tribute to the brave Filipino soldiers who served and sacrificed during the conflict – the Korean War – often referred to as the Forgotten War.

It was the conflict that tested the resolved of the Philippines as a nation and the strength of the Filipino spirits,” excerpt of the speech.

GUESTS AND VISITORS from the five donors from South Korea, military and non-military officials of the veteran organizations in the Philippines and South Korea, the surviving Filipino veterans of the 1950’s Korean War, widows, and descandants of the veterans pose for posterity after the wreath laying ceremony held last September 7 this year at the Korean War Memorial Pylon at Fort Andress Bonifacio, Libingan ng Bayani in Taguig City to celebrate the 74th Korean War Anniversary. Guest speaker is Undersecretary for Civil Veterans and Reservist Affairs Pablo Lorenzo.

The war, Alamillo wrote, saw the extra ordinary bravery and heroism, resilience and sacrifice of Filipino soldiers as they stood shoulder to shoulder fighting not only for the distant land but for the principle of democracy, justice, and liberty.

“Their sacrifice, their unwaring spirit in the face of the adversity and their dedication to a just cause will be forever be etched on the annals of history,” the speech continued.

Because of the gallantry and intrepidity of the 7,420 Filipino soldiers who served in that three years’ war against the failed invasion and hegemony of communist North Korea and Mainland China, South Korea today is the top 14 economy in the world in 2023 based on USD 33,121 per capita, or USD 1.713 trillion's gross domestic product according to World Data Info.

In a June 2023 interview, PEFTOKVAI President Damasen told this writer that there are less than 100 surviving members of the PEFTOK.

(The writer - a political columnist - is a son of a Korean war veteran)

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