members of the majority bloc in the SangguniangPanlungsod of Dagupan City (SP)
are grumbling over the way city hall is treating them.
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Vice Mayor Brian Lim |
Their anguish worsened when they
learned that contractual workers of the SP, including their own, have not been
paid their salaries since July this year, according to a high-ranking SP
official who requested anonymity for fear of reprisal from his former superior
who is now the top honcho at city hall.
“Most of these contractual workers
have been working in the city council for years now and this is the first time
they are experiencing this kind of ordeal because the city budget office
insisted that funds are not available,” he said.
The city’s contractual workers
receive from P6,500 to P7,500 a month and most of those working in the SP were
left with no other choice than to sell their salaries to loans harks at a
discounted rate of 10 or 20 percent.
Mayor Belen Fernandez reportedly
requested SP approval of a third supplemental budget amounting to P15.992
million to cover among other things unpaid salaries of a number of emergency
workers or contractual employees.
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Mayor Belen Fernandez |
The two previous supplemental
budgets already enacted by the SP covered the salaries of newly hired emergency
workers working at the city hall, but not included were the SP contractual
employees and consultants and former members of the Public Order and Safety
Office who were not paid their two-month salaries even as they were made to
work while the new POSO recruits were being trained.
Members of the SP found out that
only a little more than P70,000 was earmarked for the salaries of the
contractual employees of SP in the proposed third supplemental budget.
This prompted Councilor Jeslito
“Jigs” Seen, a brother-in-law of the mayor and chairman of the SP finance
committee, to call for another committee hearing on the proposed supplemental
budget last Friday, the source said.
Among those who attended were
Councilor Red Erfe-Mejia who represented the minority bloc, City Administrator
Farah Decano and OIC Budget Officer Luz de Guzman.
It was learned that Seen,
Erfe-Mejia, and Decano agreed to amend the proposed supplemental budget to
cover the unpaid 4-month salaries of the SP contractual workers.
But De Guzman reportedly
reiterated that there was not enough funds to cover the same even as the sum of
P7.8 million is available for electricity expense; P250,000 for office
supplies, P264,000 for representation expenses,
and P200,000 for financial aid.
“I think the proposed
supplemental budget suffers from some legal infirmities,” the source said.
He said that Section 324 of the
Local Government Code mandates that “full provision shall be made for all statutory
and contractual obligations of the local government unit concerned.”
He said that even as the finance
committee was deliberating on the proposed supplemental budget, a trimmed list
of contractual employees and consultants working for the majority bloc in SP
was secretly submitted to the office of the city mayor.
“I don’t know exactly who
submitted the list, but I have an idea,” the source said.
Not included in the list were the
contractual workers and consultants working for the members of the minority bloc
and the vice mayor, it was learned.
Against house rules
This blog received
reports that Majority Floor leader Maybelyn Fernandez without consulting the vice
mayor included in the agenda that will be tackled by the SP on Monday the
proposed supplemental budget for second reading.
When asked about the matter, the
source said that under the SP house rules submission of proposed resolutions or
ordinances is set every Thursday.
“The finance committee conducted
hearing on the proposed supplemental budget only last Friday and she
(Fernandez) should have waited for the committee report before calendaring for
deliberation and voting the said proposed supplemental budget,” he said.
“I don’t know if the chairman of
the finance committee (Seen) will allow himself to be bypassed by the majority
floor leader,” he said.
Calendaring of the proposed
supplemental budget resolution ought to be made on or before Nov. 14 (Thursday)
and deliberation and voting may be done during the SP regular session on Nov.
18, he said.
“Why is the majority floor leader
in a hurry even at the risk of ruining their own house rules which she herself
helped in crafting them,” the source said.
Budget preparation
Another thing that irked several
members of the SP was the move by the local finance committee which arrogated
unto itself the prerogative of the SP to prepare and submit through the vice
mayor the proposed annual budget of the SP for fiscal year 2014 contrary to the
provisions of the Local Government Code.
Section 317 of the Code states: “Each head of department or office shall
submit a budget proposal for his department or office to the local chief
executive on or before the fifteenth of July of each year…”
The local finance committee
prepared and submitted the proposed annual budget of the SP even without
consulting the vice mayor and the councilors, the source said.
Comprising the local finance
committee are OIC Budget officer Luz de Guzman, City Planning and Development
Officer Romeo Rosario, and City Treasurer RomelitaAlcantara.
In describing the move of the
local finance committee as a “big insult” to the members of the SP, he
expressed serious doubts that the proposed annual budget of the city council as
prepared by the said committee reflects the real needs and direction of the SP.
The Local Government Code
mandates that the budget proposal of each department or office, including the
SP, shall contain among other things the following:
functions, and projects showing the general character and relative importance
of the work to be accomplished or the services to be rendered, and the cost
charts and starting patterns indicating the list of plantilla positions with
their corresponding salaries, and proposals for reclassification of positions
and salary changes, as well as the creation of new positions with their
proposed salary grades, duly supported by proper justification;
description of the functions, projects and activities for the ensuing fiscal
year, expected results for each function, project and activity; and the nature
of work to be performed, including the objects of expenditure for each
function, project and activity;
current operating expenditures and capital outlays with comparative data for
the last two (2) preceding current, and ensuing fiscal years;
reports for the last two (2) preceding and current fiscal years.
“I wonder if the budget proposal
prepared and submitted by the local finance committee in behalf of the
SangguniangPanlungsod is truly reflective of these requirements mandated by
law,” the source said.
He said that at least three of
the members of the majority bloc are now weighing their option to bolt the
party because of the way the hierarchy is treating them.
“I think they will do it in due
time,” he said.
Switching of political colors at
the SP is not new. It happened when five members of the ruling Liberal Party
last year shifted their support to then Mayor Benjamin Lim whose son, Brian, currently serves as vice mayor and presiding
officer of the Sanggunian.
The SP majority bloc is comprised
of Councilors Maybelyn Fernandez, Karlos Reyna, Alfie Fernandez, Jigs Seen,
Marvin Fabia, Joeynetu Tamayo, and Jake Reyes as ex-officio member being the
president of the city’s Liga ng mga Barangay.
This blog learned
that Mayor Fernandez pledged support to the said councilors for them to be able
to help their barangay leaders who ran in the recent barangay polls, but the
pledge of support for some reasons did not materialize.
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